Where are you headed?
Where are you headed?

Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:


Faith Baptist Church is committed to sharing the Gospel near and far.

Are you a missionary raising support? Click here to request to present work.



Current missionaries we support:


- Pahlman Family (evangelist/Bearing Precious Seed)

- Lisa Kendrick (Germany)

- Kariuki family (Kenya)

- McCain family (military missionaries/England)

- Wilson family (church planters/AZ)

- Hutchens family (Northwest USA/church planters)

- Bryant family (Uganda)

- Wonser family  (Hawaii)

- Deanna Hewston (Scotland)

- McCormacks (Peru)

- Missionary family (China)

- Portillo family (Nicaragua)

- Brown family (Japan)

- Lawson family (Brazil)

- Southard family (South Africa)

- Missionary family (Israel)

- King family (Mexico)

- Hull famly (Juvenile Corrections/Idaho)

- McClure family (Micronesia)

- Leierer family (Portland Oregon)

- Childs family (Cape Town, South Africa) 



Keep these famillies in prayer as they share the Gospel around the world. 

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