What's here for my kids?
At every service there is a safe, clean, and staffed nursery for children four years old and under. For the infants, mothers will be asked to leave their cell
phone on vibrate so that the nursery attendants can easily contact you if there is a need.
We offer Sunday school classes for all ages that are fun, friendly, and Bible-centered. Even for adults!
On Wednesday night, children 2nd-6th grade meet at 6:00pm for Crown Kids in the Fellowship Hall. Here, they learn a Bible message, have a snack, and enjoy Christ-centered activities and games!
FBC kids have many opportunities for fellowship time apart from regular services.
Check our Facebook page for any upcoming events!
What's a Sunday morning service like?
Everyone starts together in the Sanctuary at 10:00am, and are dismissed after a short opening to our different Sunday School classes. At 11:00am we all join in
the Sanctuary again for our morning service.
The music begins the service and is always followed by a clear, helpful, and challenging Bible message. The entire service is a little over one hour in length. Of course, you are invited to arrive early and stay late to enjoy fellowship with friends!
How should I dress?
There is not a dress code at Faith Baptist Church for members or guests. We will be delighted to have you as our guest and are happy to receive you however you may be dressed!
Our ministry leaders and many of our church family dress in more traditional “Sunday attire". We promote the idea that church is where we meet and worship the Lord, so you will find others here dressed with this thought in mind.
Are there services at other times?
Yes. We occasionally hold special services such as our Fifth Sunday Sings and various fellowships.
Check our Facebook page for information on additional special services or fellowships!
Am I expected to participate in the offering?
No. We don't invite you to Faith Baptist Church for your offering. We want our service to be a gift to you.
We hope you will find in this place a family of friends, truth from God's Word, and a place where you can grow in God's Grace. Please don't feel any obligation to participate in the offering as a guest.